RAILSHINE SARL is a leading global player in the development and sales of machinery, equipments and working methods for professional users within the railway industry. RAILSHINE celebrated in 2021 its 15 years of being, full of successes and projects all over the world. Thanks to its partners and agents, RAILSHINE grew up to become a main player in railway industry. RAILSHINE is 100% based on railway technologies and mainly focuses on installation and equipement for railway maintenance depots and workshops for rolling stocks. On railway infrastructure, the company develops its know-how on innovative machines dedicated to construction and retrofit of tracks. The third activity of the company is the rental of road-rail excavators vie its rental division Railshine Rental. Regarding the rail maintenance depots, RAILSHINE is the unique company to propose a global range of products for the setting up of power supply feeding systems, delivery and management of fuels and other products for trains thanks to its experience based on most famous railway companies needs. The company also proposes all types of moving equipment, measurement and maintenance of rolling stocks and its mechanisms to maximize the productivity and optimize rolling stock maintenance duration, and also provides many innovative solutions to improve safety for operators on and around trains. The engineering department is focused on turnkey project management regarding Train Feeding Solutions integration. For the very specify technics linked to rolling stock electrification, networks and depots electrification, the company leans on engineers who are more than 20 years of experience. Now on all continents, et especially in most important potentiel of development linked to mobility, the solutions provided by RAILSHINE answer to all new needs and news methods of railway players. You are looking for reliable solutions and which contributes to modernisation of your working methods.