READY FOR TOMORROW MATISA remain 100% committed about building unique machines which delight their customers day after day. MATISA strives to be a 100% reliable partner to their customers, their personnel and their suppliers in order to deliver products which fully meet the rail networks’ requirements. 100% QUALITY = 100% PEACE OF MIND The comfort and safety of rail traffic play a vital role in our society. This mean of transport enables so many people, businesses and markets to thrive. MATISA take it as their duty to enable maintaining the track in a safe and comfortable state in order to ensure a safe and sustainable economic development for its various stakeholders. This goal has to be achieved in an appropriate way, taking needs, costs and service disruption into consideration. The value of the safety and comfort of rail traffic is measured precisely when nothing happens in terms of incidents or disruption. MATISA has been striving for more than 70 years to ensure that outcome by designing and building the best track construction and maintenance machines that deliver track quality and precision that is acknowledged worldwide. It is by maintaining that production quality that they can accompany Customers proudly and confidently through various future projects.